
Use Docker

On x86 (desktop)

git clone
cd exred-compose
docker-compose up

On Raspberry Pi

git clone
cd exred-compose
docker-compose -f rpi-docker-compose.yml up

Go to http://localhost:4000 to access the UI.


NOTE: Exred Nerves runs on Raspberry Pi 3.

Download the release image and write it to an SD card (change of=/dev/sdb to the correct device)

dd bs=4M if=exred_nerves_v0.1.1.img of=/dev/sdb 

Go to http://nerves.local:8080 to access the UI.
(you might have to use the actual IP instead of nerves.local)

This will work with a wired Ethernet connection and a USB Serial Console.
If you need wireless connection see instructions here.
More Nerves specific info here.

Run From Source

You will need to set up and run two separate elixir applications and a postgresql server (and optionally a redis server).

1. Set up a postgresql server and optionally create a user for exred

2. Set up the Exred UI application

git clone
cd exred_ui
mix deps.get
iex -S mix phx.server

3. Set up the Exred Scheduler application

git clone
cd exred_scheduler
mix deps.get
iex -S mix

If needed edit the config files for both applications before you start them.

Build a Release

git clone
cd exred_ui
make release

git clone
cd exred_scheduler
make release

Grab the release tar files. Unpack, edit config and run the releases.